Department of Education

Kiana Harriel

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)


Education: Wheaton College (MA) Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and Minor in Education; 2019    

Kiana Harriel (she/her/hers) is a member of the MAT Social Studies cohort. She lived in Florida and Rhode Island before moving to Massachusetts for college. In 2019 she graduated from Wheaton College with a bachelor’s in anthropology and a minor in Education. Here she served as an anthropology teaching assistant, tutor, and collections assistant for the Wheaton Permanent Collection. After college, Kiana moved to Daejeon, South Korea to teach English as a second language and developed bi-annual enrichment programs for her middle school students. At Brown, she is excited to fulfill her goal of becoming a social studies teacher and inspire her students to be lifelong learners. In her free time, you can find Kiana at a museum, watching Real Housewives, or making art.