Department of Education


Our courses of study within the Department of Education prepare students to lead with impact, whether they aspire to become teachers, policymakers, researchers or educational leaders.

Throughout the academic year, each student in Brown’s diverse cohort of Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) students is immersed in a local urban school, taking classes both at Brown and at the school site. Meanwhile, Master of Arts in Urban Education Policy (UEP) students take part in internships that build relevant knowledge and skills while advancing the missions of Providence schools, city and state education offices, and nonprofits that partner with the Providence Public School District (PPSD).

Undergraduate students also play a vital role in improving educational outcomes in Providence schools. As a complement to courses that teach them how to confront educational inequality, many Education Studies concentrators choose to volunteer in schools, providing tutoring, mentoring, and after-school enrichment to elementary, middle, and high school students across Providence.

Brown’s need-blind Master of Arts in Teaching program and master’s program in urban education policy prepare future teachers and policymakers to address the most pressing needs of urban secondary schools.
Undergraduates concentrating in education choose from a wide variety of courses to create their own customized path, concluding with a senior capstone project. Many stay at Brown for a fifth year to earn a master’s degree in addition to their A.B.
Brown’s Open Curriculum allows undergraduate students from any concentration to explore courses in education history, policy, analysis and more.