Name: Christien Laible
Hometown: Norwalk, CT
Education: Colby College, Bachelor of Arts, 2015: East Asian Studies (major) Human Development (minor)
What drew you to the UEP program at Brown?
There are several reasons that the UEP program stood out to me. First, the ability to do an internship while getting my Master’s in one year was a major draw and I think something that sets Brown’s program apart. The opportunity to stay in Providence, where I have worked for several years, was also a big factor. Lastly, I had several fellow TFA cohort members and other colleagues who did the program and spoke very highly of it – I can now confirm: the program is exceptional!
What do you hope to accomplish through the UEP program?
While the primary reason I selected the program was to open up more career opportunities, I have enjoyed immersing myself in the academic content. By the end of the program, I hope to not only be more well-versed in urban education policy but also feel better equipped to challenge the oppressive systems that have stifled marginalized students for decades. This includes having both the vernacular and context to speak fluidly on issues of significance as well as the analytical acumen to critique existing theories and research on urban education.
What is one way you center yourself or work on your mental health while being a graduate student with many other responsibilities?
I appreciate this question because navigating work-life balance is challenging and doesn’t come naturally for many, like myself. I used to struggle to prioritize my personal needs over those of work. However, my physical health is something that is very important to me and is directly related to my mental health. Therefore, I try not to compromise when it comes to working out and eating healthy. I love to run so I typically run several times per week and this serves as a form of meditation.
Who is the #1 inspiration in your life?
I feel very fortunate and privileged to have many inspirations in my life so this is difficult. In terms of this work in education, my wife has continued to inspire me for her commitment to teaching. She has taught for over eight years and is committed to empowering all students and equipping them with the math skills they need to be successful students and citizens.
What are you hoping to do after graduation?
I wouldn’t rule out continuing my education and pursuing another advanced degree, but ideally, I’d find a job. I am interested in supporting K-12 school leaders and district leaders as an education consultant but am most eager to work for an organization that is the right fit as opposed to finding the “perfect” role. Ask me again later and hopefully, I will have a more definitive answer!