Fall semester
Begin thinking about a research topic. Choose courses and/or design an independent study that helps you build the knowledge and skills to undertake a senior thesis, and introduce yourself to faculty with whom you might want to work. If you haven’t already done so, take a methodology course.
Spring semester
Work to transform a research topic into a research question. Start reading the scholarly literature around your topic/research question. Approach a professor to be your Thesis Adviser and work out a research plan. If your project requires IRB approval, begin the process.
By Friday of the first week of May
Submit your application to write a senior thesis to the Honors Adviser with a strong research plan, a preliminary bibliography, transcript, and the signature of your adviser.
Over the summer
Conduct your literature review and refine your research plan. If you are able, identify and begin working with your data. Secure IRB approval.
Meet with your Thesis Adviser and develop a work plan and timetable for the year, working backward from the due date. Create a tentative outline and plan a schedule for writing that builds in substantial time for multiple revisions. Submit a copy of this work plan to the Honors Adviser by the end of the month.
Conduct research and meet regularly with your Thesis Adviser (weekly or biweekly) to discuss your progress. Start writing!
Continue research and submit a draft to your Thesis Adviser of chapter 1 and/or the literature review. Submit a progress report to the Honors Adviser.
Research, data analysis, and writing! Submit a draft of chapter 2 to your Thesis Adviser by the end of the month.
Finish research and analysis and submit chapter 3 to your Thesis Adviser by the end of the month.
Revise chapters according to your Thesis Adviser’s feedback and produce a penultimate draft, including introduction and conclusion, by the end of the month for final feedback from the Thesis Adviser.
Finish final revisions on the thesis and submit an electronic copy to the Education Department by the second Friday in April.
The thesis is evaluated by two faculty members, your Thesis Adviser, and one additional faculty member chosen by the Honors Adviser based on expertise. The readers submit a written evaluation and determine whether to award honors.
Early May
Thesis presentations to the Education Department faculty and fellow students. Friends and family are invited to attend.